Brene Brown paints a beautiful picture of stringing twinkle lights in the swamp land of your soul. In this way the path is lit so we can find your way back to our wound. In college my social work professor Sybil Coleman likened soul work to weeding a garden. We begin at one end of the strawberry patch and by the time we get to the other side the weeds are resurfacing where we started.
Over the past few weeks I have been "weeding my garden" and "hanging up twinkle lights" in my soul. The process has been scary, frustrating, bewildering, tiring and sad. And.. it has been freeing, exhilarating, clarifying and exciting. Every few days I have taken a hold of my string of lights, armed with a journal and my Bible, and followed the thread back down into the dark.
On Saturday I finally had the guts to speak the humiliating memory I had journal led about during the week. My friend looked at me and said: "You are afraid of being EXPOSED!" With her words hanging in the air - God said: "I am light, and there is no darkness in Him at all." I John 1:5b
In an instant the Holy Spirit became the "twinkle lights in my soul." God says He will never leave us nor forsake us, so by welcoming the Holy Spirit into the swamp land of my soul, I am not longer alone. I have the power of light casting out all darkness, fear and shame.
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