Who has my ear? I have been asking myself this question lately. Who do I listen to and who's words do I most value?
Unfortunately I don't really like the answer. Many times I desire the approval of people so much that I use very little discernment when I listen. I put certain people's voices higher on the value meter than others.
I guess this would be good if I discerned to check the words of those voices with the WORD OF GOD. But many times I don't. Many times the words of others are valued more than the word of God. Ughh. I hear the voice of the critic louder, stronger and allow those words to go on repeat before the gentle words of God. This is the way that Satan deceives me. The perfectionist
pleaser in me hears the words that press me to work harder, serve longer and idolize approval.
God is inviting me to stand up and stand firm grounded in His word. The more I am nurturing the Christ-follower in me by enveloping myself in His word, the more grounded I become. And the easier it is to discern when the words I hear are from the "pit of Hell."
Today we have a choice. We can walk in the promises of God and we can encourage others to do the same. Or we can give our ear to the whim of the critic which allows Satan to set up residence in our soul. God is waving to us. God is cheering for us. He is inviting me to climb under His wing of protection and listen to His promise of provision.
"Like an eagle protecting its nest, hovering over its young, God spread out his wings, took hold of Israel, carried him on his back." Deuteronomy 32:11
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