Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How do I know what I need?

My prayer request this week is: "Dear God, Help me figure out what I need, so that I can ask for it?" All week, I have struggled to figure out what I need. Thursday - I hosted prayer group, took my husband to lunch and then drove him to the airport. He left for Liberia, Africa and I picked up all the church and ministry responsibilities that he couldn't catch. Saturday - I changed my plans to go to my friends mom's funeral. Sunday - I preached at church, helped a friend learn how to use an application on the computer and then hosted my college roommate for dinner. Monday - I didn't make it to yoga, so I could rest. Instead, I went to the store to buy a ceramic heater and new insulated drapes and took a walk to call back all my missed calls. On the way home from my walk, I realized that I had cut out taking care of myself with yoga... to rest and then I didn't rest. So, Tuesday - I let the kids sleep in. I helped my daughter complete a difficult math assignment. I stole extra moments from the morning by skipping the bus and driving the girls to school. I sat with my son to listen before he got on the bus. Then I went to yoga. In the moment when my friend and yoga instructor - Linda - said "gather up your to do list and put it on hearts center." (Check out NewDayYogaandWellness.com) I listened, I breathed, and I asked myself: "What do I need?" I realized what I needed was a moment. Maybe a series of moment without my phone, without my computer, without my kids and husband. I prayed. I exhaled my "to do list." And God took it. My cheeks are still rosy. My thoughts were clearer while on my conference calls and now the writing and work I have to do next will need less editing and improving. I TOOK A MOMENT. May I give you permission to TAKE A MOMENT, STOP, AND GIVE YOUR "TO DO LIST" to God.