Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Elijah Project #5: The Idol Limp

"What's in your wallet?" Capitol One hopes you have their credit card in your wallet.  What are you leaning on?  Our culture sends us messages all the time the encourage us to provide for ourselves, our family and our businesses.  We are encouraged to take out life insurance policies, credit card protection, Life Lock!  And although there is nothing wrong with being responsible, it is easy to confuse worldly protection with God's protection.

We tend to think of idols as those small wooden statues that people bow down to in other cultures.  Americans have plenty of idols.  We have the worst idol of all The American Dream.  Now, before you get concerned that I am not a true American, rest at ease.  I love the philosophy of freedom we have in the United States.  What I am challenging is that the American Dream is God's Dream.  For a long time my dream was to get married, have children and secure a white picket fence.  I believe that God can be within those dreams.  The danger is... and I am guilty of it... is to take the credit for making the dream happen.  God's econoly is like this:  1) Trust Me; 2) Obey Me; 3) I will protect and provide; and 4) Give Me the credit (Glory).  That is what is missing in the American Dream.  We confuse our own industriousness with success and forget to give God the glory.

After Elijah's offering was incinerated on Mount Carmel the people responded:  "God, He is the God!"  God promises to protect and provide for us.  It often does not look the way I might hope, but His provision bring a prosperity of peace that rivals any temporary accomplishment the American Way.

What are you leaning on?  How are you providing for yourself?  Where can you invite God to protect and provide for you and your family... TODAY!

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